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With Itta, I aim to support everyone in the development of their (creative) project/story. I want to create a pleasant cooperation period where one feels heard, trusted and above all understood in their vision and in the development towards their ideal end result.

"Itta" means 'to have something/it (in them) or to be there/is (something or someone)' and that is exactly the reason why I named my company this way. I strongly believe in the idea that the core of any good or strong project already resides in the people.


About  Itta

What can I help you with?


News articles


Writing, editing & proofreading fiction and non-fiction texts


Character & Story Development in fiction


Website design


Hi, I am Zana, the creator of Itta. I am a Belgian journalist and writer who studied both Fiction and Writing at The Royal Institute for Theater, Cinema & Sound (RITCS) in Brussels, Belgium.


I assist people in the design and development of their creative processes and (story) ideas. I do this in a connecting way, with the necessary seriousness and always with an eye on the final result. 


Would you like to discuss or pitch your idea with someone? I can help you develop your (creative) story and assist you in the growth of layered characters and stories. You want to share something newsworthy? Feel free to contact me. 

I look forward to working with you!   

Who am I? 

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